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だれでも歓迎! 編集

Meet! 2011

15. Oktober - 05. November 2011
Kulturetage im SofaLoft
Jordanstrasse 26, 30173 Hannover

Three most important things:

"Food" "Clothing" " Shelter"

Our basic needs - they are real. We are exploring their existence, asking ourselves how contemporary art discusses and realizes the essential issues.
We are going to present answers to our question in this year's art project "Meet!2011", an international exhibition including several related events.
We are looking for interesting contributions from all forms and genres art may offer, including literature and music.


An art group from Hanover, Germany, has brought "Meet!" into being but other artists are invited to join the project and participate in the exhibition and accompanying events.
The Meet! hosts will view tendered art works and/or concepts and chose further contributions.

Application Form

Meet! is an art project brought into life by an art group from Hanover. Other artists are, however, invited to participate in the project as well. The hosts will carefully view handed-in works & concepts and chose further contributions.
Conditions of participation
Artists from all over the world are invited to hand in their concepts or works from any genre or form art may offer - including music and literature. The delivery of a complete application form in due time(deadline is the 1st August 2011) is a prerequisite for the participation. Until the 15th August 2011 the hosts will chose and inform the participating contributors.

Please e-mail or mail us your applications, containing:

  • the application form, including personal data and up to three works/concepts
  • visual material of the work(s) in the form of photos (not exceeding the A4 format, limited to ten photos) or a DVD (not exceeding ten minutes)
  • a short description of the work/concept (not exceeding half a page) including some explanations of the original idea or intention behind it.
  • Incomplete applications cannot be regarded.

Application Form:

Mail to:
Meet! 2011
Kesselstraße 17
30453 Hannover

E-Mail to:
(JPG, PDF, TIFF or GIF not exceeding 5 MB)


Meet!2011 takes the responsibility and covers the costs to print invitation cards and posters and promote the project.
Meet!2011assures that an insurance covers all participating works for the duration of the exhibition.
The artists will cover the costs of – and take full responsibility for – the transport of his/her works. The artist will make sure that his/her work(s) arrive(s) in due time before the beginning of the exhibition and is picked up afterward (precise dates will be announced along with the confirmation of participation).

Copyright (c) Meet! 2011 All Right Reserved


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