

All trains in Touhoku area, Yamagata area, Akita area is under complete stall. This incldes shinkansen (bullet trains) as well.
JapanRailway does not have a timeline in when the transport network will be repaired. (2011/03/12 4:50)

Joetsu area, Nagano Shinkansen is working, although rather brittle.


  • Sendai

(地下鉄南北線) nannboku-sen subway halted. 
Bus is working between (泉中央駅) Izumichuuou Station (仙台駅) Sendai Station.
City bus is partially working from 6:30 with out any set timetable, only in limited area. 


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最終更新:2011年03月13日 15:46