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Meet! 2014

Made out of thin air

The recipe of becoming / the reception of becoming: See almost a nothing: unfounded, untenable up in the air / don't hold back, the
Emergence / envision it, grasp it.
Maybe it is a process, beginning in a next-to-nothingness or ending there | delicate | fragile | invisible | light | or diff erent; soft-footed,
unfolding a strong impact...
Meet! 2014 makes room for the art, which draws its force from beyond the big, obvious, spectacular and piercing – out of the small, the
plain, the elusive. Quiet in its form or in the subject matter itself – we are looking for art works, which do not present themselves to the
consuming spectator too readily but expect a deep, close gaze. In short: This art wants to be discovered.
Works from any art genre are permitted.
Date: Meet! 2014 takes place from April 6th to Mai 4th in the urban gallery KUBUS, Hanover, Germany.

General requirements:
please transfer a processing fee in the amount of 5 € to:
Meet! 2014;
Sparkasse Hannover; IBAN: DE55 2505 0180 1911 5463 92, BIC: SPKHDE2HXXX
personal data and all relevant contact data (address, E-Mail, phone numbers)
vita or info about artistic development
a piece of art work or a series three pictures (max.) of the art works in digital form or on one DVD. Submissions via E-Mail: pdf, jpg,
tiff or giff or text fi les are possible– the size of the fi le will be less then 5 MB, for data transfer (for example www.wetransfer.com) less
then 1 GB.
A statement (one page max.)
for performances: documentation and description of the project, info about the length of the time interval. For performances which
have been presented before, we accept a report (one page max.)
we will choose only one piece or series per artist (space is limited)
We will not accept incomplete applications. However, we will be happy to answer any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

Postal applications are also possible (Please note that it is unfortunately not possible to return unrequested submissions of originals)
konnektor – Forum für Künste
Stichwort: Meet! 2014
Kötnerholzweg 11
D-30451 Hannover

We will return the application, if desired, only in case an addressed and suffi ciently stamped envelope is attached to the application.
Closing date for the application will be January 14th 2014 February 15th. 2014. (extended until 15.02.2014) By submitting an application, artists automatically give their consent to
the terms and conditions of the organiser.
Terms and conditions of the organizer:
the works selected have to be accessible to the organizer at least two weeks before and one week after the exhibition. No expenses of
the artists are refundable. The exhibiting artists are solely responsible for the delivery and collection of their own works (no refunds
either). The works are ensured during the time of the exhibition (but not during the construction- and the deconstruction-phase).
They may be send to us by post or delivery. The artists accepted will be notifi ed about further details concerning the exhibition and
the dates for delivery and collection of the pieces.

Meet!2014Aplicationform.pdf Meet!2014Aplicationform-jan.pdf

Copyright (c) Meet! 2014 All Right Reserved
