The former Minnesota governor has accused the United States of deploying its 'tactical weapon,' the HAARP, which 'caused' the recent massive temblor and the ensuing tsunami in Japan.

“The US's HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) weapon system can cause natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis like the one that happened in Japan,” James George Janos, better known as Jesse Ventura told CNN's Piers Morgan in a recent interview.

The Slovak-American politician, who served as the 38th governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003, noted that the disaster in Japan could be explained through conspiracy theories.

According to the theories, HAARP could be used as a directed-energy weapon, a weather control system, an earthquake-yielding device and/or for mind control.

American Conspiracies is a book Ventura wrote in 2010 which discusses conspiracy theories related to several notable events in United States history.

The project HAARP is jointly funded by US Air Force, Navy and University of Alaska.

It is said that the project is similar to numerous existing ionospheric heaters around the world, and has a large suite of diagnostic instruments that facilitate its use to increase scientific understanding of the ionosphere's dynamics.

Many have expressed concerns over the system's application as a weapon. The HAARP program may also be behind the 7.8 earthquake in China in 2008 and last year's quake devastation in Haiti.


「米国のHAARP(高周波活性オーロラ研究プログラム)兵器システムは、自然災害を引き起こすことができます。日本で起きたような地震や津波も含みます」元ミネソタ州知事であるJames George Janos(Jesse Ventura)氏は、CNN記者Piers Morgan氏の最近のインタビューに対しこう述べました。



「American Conspiracies (アメリカの陰謀)」は、Ventura氏が2010年に書いた書籍であり、米国の歴史上で複数回起きている有名な事件に関する陰謀説について議論しています。

HAARPプロジェクトは、米国空軍、米国海軍、およびアラスカ大学から共同で資金提供を受けています。(訳者注: 実際にはDARPAという組織も含まれている)


多くの人々が、HAARPシステムの兵器応用について懸念を表明しています。 2008年に中国で起きたM7.8の大地震と、昨年ハイチで起きた大地震もまた、HAARPプログラムの所業かもしれません。


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最終更新:2011年04月08日 14:26